These events are not considered part of the SIR 2023 Annual Scientific Meeting as planned by the SIR Annual Scientific Meeting Committee. For more details and the schedule for the other days, visit or the mobile app.
Wednesday, March 8
9:30 a.m.–1 p.m.
Imaging & Intervention (The Canon Experience)
Location: Rear of Expo Hall
10 a.m.–12 noon
Interventional Pain Skills Lab: Get hands-on with Kyphon™ balloon kyphoplasty and OsteoCool™ RF ablation (Presented by Medtronic)
Location: Rear of Expo Hall
12–1 p.m.
Corporate Lunch Symposium: Bone Tumor Ablation with Stryker's OptaBlate system. (Presented by Stryker Interventional Spine)
Location: Phoenix Convention Center, 128AB