Welcome to the SIR 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting, the world’s most comprehensive educational meeting for the IR community and associated professionals.
The SIR Annual Meeting Committee was again impressed and inspired by the caliber of the science submitted for consideration this year. The topics ranged from treatments at the core of the interventional radiology domain to exploratory and expansionist proposals, including some particularly exciting trending topics like immunotherapy.
The SIR 2024 scientific program will feature over 400 original scientific presentations, more than 100 traditional posters that can be viewed in the Expo in the lower level of the Salt Palace Convention Center, and more than 130 educational exhibits that will be presented orally for the second year in a row at the SIR annual meeting.
Each day of the meeting, you can expect to find research topics that appeal to all IRs, no matter what your career stage or practice type. Because of the incredible submissions this year, the Annual Meeting Committee have once again expanded the number of top award-winning abstracts, with four Abstracts of the Year and 15 Featured Abstracts.
In the plenary sessions, attendees will celebrate the stars of IR with award presentations and give the podium to thought leaders within our specialty as they explore the topics that are critical to your practice. All sessions include content from around the world and thanks are owed to the international division for working with the Annual Meeting Committee chairs to curate global insights. The Annual Meeting Committee also thank the SIR Clinical Specialty Councils for working so closely to ensure our topics cover the full spectrum of IR: arterial and venous interventions, gastrointestinal, pediatric, renal and genitourinary, pain management/musculoskeletal, neurointerventional radiology, interventional oncology, peripheral arterial disease, portal hypertension, practice development, and women’s and men’s health.
In the Expo, gain insight into, and get your hands on, the latest technologies and services that will impact practices and patient care of the future, and plan to attend a Compelling Conversation during one of the breaks.
We’re excited to bring all of these valuable elements back to the annual meeting, and there’s even more in store for you at SIR 2024!
The Annual Meeting Committee