While the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology has a close relationship with its owner, the Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR), the journal may have an even closer relationship with SIR Foundation. As two entities fully dedicated to supporting and fostering the growth of the IR research community, JVIR and SIR Foundation have long worked together to underscore the importance and impact of the scholarly publication of that work.
For over a decade, this relationship has yielded landmark studies, rewarded those at the leading edge of research and continually pushed the needle on IR innovation, both clinical and cultural.
SIR Foundation Research Consensus Panels
Each year, the SIR Foundation Clinical Research and Registries Division organizes research consensus panel (RCP) meetings and summits to identify research priorities on timely topics in IR (proposed by the IR community) and to determine how SIR Foundation can support these initiatives. These panels, which are conducted approximately four times a year, focus on topics from disease states to emerging technology to public health issues.
The multidisciplinary panels of experts from academia, private practice, federal agencies and industry are handpicked by the lead investigators. These panels review existing literature from diverse points of view and determine what literature gaps merit the most urgent further investigation. These priorities, and the discussion surrounding them, are then written up by the lead investigators and submitted as a white paper to JVIR, now as articles called “Strategic Reviews.”
Recent RCP strategic reviews have focused on topics such as the reproductive outcomes of patients undergoing uterine artery embolization for uterine fibroids, the role of locoregional therapies in breast cancer and percutaneous image- and endoscopy-guided interventions for biliary and gallbladder diseases.
There have been over 42 RCPs since 2002; 31 RCP proceedings have been published in JVIR, with more currently in progress. Recognizing the importance of these documents from SIR Foundation, JVIR has negotiated with its publisher to make these papers freely accessible to the entire medical community, in perpetuity, outside of the subscription paywall. Cumulatively, these white papers have garnered over 420 citations and 13,780 downloads.
The RCP proceedings serve as comprehensive and strategic reviews of the topics covered, while creating the scaffolding for future research. For example, a 2020 RCP led by Minhaj S. Khaja, MD, MBA, FSIR, identified several key research deficiencies surrounding the optimal management of patients following endovascular deep venous interventions. Previously, best practice management was not well-defined. The panel ultimately determined four research priorities: 1) characterization of biological processes leading to in-stent stenosis/re-thrombosis; 2) identification and validation of methods to assess venous flow dynamics and their effect on stent failure; 3) elucidation of the role of inflammation and anti-inflammatory therapies; and 4) clinical studies to compare antithrombotic strategies and to improve venous outcome assessment. Following the publication of the RCP proceedings in JVIR, Dr. Khaja went on to receive the Funding Source Development Grant from SIR Foundation, as well as the Investigator Sponsored Research Grant from Boston Scientific.
Of course, the work of the panel only begins with the RCP and resulting strategic review article. To showcase the field’s progress and the SIR Foundation’s return on investment in establishing these research priorities, JVIR has begun soliciting updates on previous RCP publications. For example, last year, the journal published an 8-year follow-up on a prior RCP’s work related to submassive pulmonary embolism.
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Gary J. Becker, MD, FSIR, reviews the first issue of the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology in 1990.
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The National Library of Medicine selected JVIR to be included in Index Medicus in 1992.
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Today, JVIR is consistently named a top SIR member benefit.
The annual JVIR editor’s awards
In keeping with their philanthropic efforts, SIR Foundation provides funding for the annual JVIR editor’s awards. SIR Foundation supports two key awards: the JVIR Editor’s Award for Outstanding Clinical Study and the JVIR Editor’s Award for Outstanding Laboratory Investigation. Each award winner receives $500, provided by SIR Foundation, in recognition of excellent science.
These awards acknowledge best-in-class research conducted in interventional radiology and published in JVIR each calendar year and are determined by the editorial board via confidential ballot. Papers eligible for the Clinical Study Award focus on studies with human subjects and direct patient care. Papers eligible for the Laboratory Investigations Award feature preclinical research, either bench science or animal subject study. This is sometimes referred to as “basic science” content.
Each year, JVIR receives a much larger number of Clinical Studies than Laboratory Investigations, but the number of Laboratory Investigation submissions is rising faster. In 2023, JVIR received 10 times as many Clinical Study submissions as Laboratory Investigation submissions, but the quality of both is steadily improving. As a result, since their inauguration in 2011 by then-editor Ziv J Haskal, MD, FSIR, the JVIR Editor’s Awards have expanded, growing from one recipient in each category to five or more.
“I was deeply touched to receive this honor, especially given the sheer volume of excellent and innovative work published in the journal from our IR community,” said Jeffrey L. Weinstein, MD, who received the 2023 JVIR Editor’s Award for Outstanding Laboratory Investigation. “This recognition fuels my desire to continue to pursue research to advance our field. It has brought my work to a wider audience and I am grateful for the recognition.”
Lists of past JVIR Editor’s Award recipients are available both on jvir.org and sirtoday.org.
The SIR Foundation to JVIR pipeline
In order to both support IR researchers and cement JVIR’s role as the preeminent publication for IR research, a new policy requires SIR Foundation grant recipients to submit manuscripts on SIR Foundation-supported work to JVIR.
This agreement enhances the research ecosystem of SIR Foundation and JVIR, strengthening a relationship built on funding and publishing IR innovation. In return for first right of refusal, JVIR has agreed to publish SIR Foundation-funded research on a freely accessible basis in perpetuity, to maximize exposure to the work. Submissions that would be more appropriate to be evaluated by other journals may be transferred, per the JVIR editor’s prerogative.
From 1996 to 2022, SIR Foundation-funded research resulted in 140 total publications—73 of which were in JVIR.1
“Historically, little more than half of the articles published with support from SIR Foundation funding were published in JVIR,” said JVIR Editor-in-Chief Daniel Y. Sze, MD, PhD, FSIR. “The new agreement allows SIR Foundation to keep what it supported within the SIR community.”
Spotlighting SIR Foundation
Recognizing the foundation’s role in fostering a pipeline into IR research, JVIR highlights SIR Foundation in multiple ways. Any visitor, including those without a subscription to JVIR may access the SIR Foundation-supported research section on jvir.org and read any article supported by the Foundation. Grant-supported research is also indicated via the SIR Foundation logo on the front page of every supported article in JVIR and within the Annual Scientific Meeting abstract supplement each year. Along with meeting abstracts, the JVIR Annual Scientific Meeting supplement also includes a list recognizing all SIR Foundation award winners for that year.
How the community can support JVIR and SIR Foundation
This special relationship is possible only through the IR community’s continued support of IR-led research. There are two concrete ways that each IR can help out:
- Submit your best research to JVIR. Innovative IR research deserves to find a home in the top IR-led, IR-focused scholarly journal. Learn more and submit to JVIR at jvir.org.
- Support the future of research. SIR Foundation cannot fund grants, awards and scientific studies without the financial support of donors. Be it a one-time donation, a recurring gift or even the establishment of a dedicated grant, there are endless opportunities to support SIR Foundation. Learn more at sirfoundation.org.
- Koustav P. Special communication. The Academic Impact of Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation Grants: Report from the Society of Interventional Radiology Foundation/National Institutes of Health Task Force. JVIR. 2024.